APP25 Recovery


APP25 Purpose:

APP25 allows users to query, enter, modify and inactivate APPLICATION support records.  All writes are directly to the database. 


MNT Recovery Considerations:

                                Stopping/Restart Processes:

-          Use NTM Control Utility - Service Control - Process Controller to stop/restart processes.

-          Use MNT nodes only when moving between nodes.  (Java code, FireDaemon and Host Specific references in JNLPs required.)


-          When stopping/restarting MNT processes:

1)      Notify  Operations and work in cooperation with them, as appropriate to situations.

2)      Stop/Restart the MNT process.


MNT NTM Control Commands:

There are no APP25 specific NTM Control commands.


MNT Troubleshooting Table:

MNT Symptom



Node Crashes


Evidenced by:

-          In Solarwinds (and outlook), node and processes will be reported down.


 Operations will not be able to query or administratively manage APPLICATION support records via APP25.


Refer to:

Server Recovery - APP25 or APP26.docx

 Server Specific Recoveries.


1)      Refer to:

Server Recovery - APP25 or APP26.docx

 Server Specific Recoveries.

2)      Notify Management.



MNT Monitoring Considerations:


There are no APP25 specific monitors outside of EMT.